Repertoire & Program

We can perform wherever there is a celebration, for example, a devout procession, a carnival parade, a fair, an historical evocation, a birthday party, an inauguration. The flag-wavers appear accompanied by a drummer or recorded music. The alternation of drum and recorded music gives a nice variation to the performance. The flag-wavers appear with large and small flags. We emphasize the traditional flag-waving, although we also have a few modern items in our repertoire. We appear at home and abroad. At least once a year we represent Belgium at an international folklore festival. We are a well-esteemed guest and a welcome variation among all folklore groups. Our flag-wavers are also very flexible in their appearance. They can perform on stage for a full hour, or in alternation with other groups for periods of 3 x 20 minutes or 4 x 15 minutes. We prefer the latter option. In processions or parades, our appearance is not restricted in time or distance.

Requirements & Space

For our performances on stage we need a minimum space of 12m by 8m. Sound equipment is also desirable for the part with recorded music.

Practice makes perfect

To maintain our present high standards, we rehearse every Wednesday from 19:30 for the younger members and from 20:30 for the adults. The auction halls of Hoogstraten are an ideal location for training.