Our flag-wavers wave large and small flags. These flags have as main colours red and white, the colours of the town of Hoogstraten. The flames on the flag symbolise the flag in motion. A white flag with the coat of arms of Hoogstraten symbolises the whole group. Above the coat of arms is the jewelled count’s crown. The flag bears the name ‘Gelmelzwaaiers’ and ‘Hoogstraten’.

For our youth section, we have more modern flags designed and adapted to their costume. The large flags measure 2m by 1,8m. The counterweight and the flagpole with the flag weigh about 5kg. The smaller flags measure 1,4m by 1,2m. The counterweight and the flagpole with the flag weigh about 2kg. We also have an in-between size flag of 1,65m by 1,45m.